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Random throttle cuts


New Member
Sep 2, 2022
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I have an issue with my quad causing my motors to return to idle then slowly ramping back up.
This happens about 1min into the flight every time.
I have flashed the latest firmware to my flight controller and ESC's and watched a lot of your videos trying to find the issue.
I have been blackboxing short flights and going through the graphs to see if there is anything obvious to me but I have extremely limited knowledge about the black box.

When the throttle cut happens and motors return to idle rpm i leave my throttle stick in the same position as it was just before the issue happened, but the black box showing my throttle being decreased.
I can then disarm and rearm my quad (without removing battery) and fly it again straight away but then it happens again within a minute.
I have noticed that motors 2 and 3 are getting a lot hotter than motors 1 and 4 as well.

This issue actually started happening a couple of years ago but I just put the quad on the shelf and haven't touched it since until now.

I do have a video showing the issue and black box log of the flight if that's something you're interested in.

Quad details: Aikon F4 ver 1.2 FC and Aikon 4 in 1 ESC running 6s lipos, TBS Ethix stout V2 motors, Futaba J8 transmitter, not sure on receiver as i removed the case to fit it in my quad.

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

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