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Football x FPV Drone

Nice video. However, one that I would say that I would never do. There are so many dangers involved when flying around and over people that's simply not worth it. Plus, if this was a paid gig, I doubt it would be enough to pay for any fines you might get for all the infractions (rules may be different in Hong Kong).
That's not football. That's soccer! HA! That said...

Don't listen to these guys. Getting good footage requires risk. Everybody is Fire Marshall Bob these days. Imagine how boring drone footage would be if nobody took risks. Truth be told, being very conservative, 100x more soccer players have been injured by the covid vaccine than drones. And that there is just documented fact. Where were all the Fire Marshall Bobs when they were doling out untested vaccines?


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Shocking, he didn't manage to hit a single player despite all that flying- better luck next time

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