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No inputs on betaflight after resoldering.


Dec 31, 2019
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No Transmitter input after resoldering

Hey guys!
I just built my first ever fpv racing drone and it worked really well but I wasn’t happy with my cable management and soldering so I went back and moved some parts and shortened some motor cables. I put everything together and my Taranis qx7 connects to the drone but I couldn’t arm it. I went to beta flight and saw that the receiver tab wasn’t reacting to my inputs.... I really don’t know what to do and really frustrated. I have a rxsr and it is connected and in sbus mode so it should work but it’s not reacting. All of my soldering is correct and nothing should’ve changed because it was working before but now nothing.. what I changed tho was the motor order in the cli and motor spin direction in blheli.
Please help a noob out, I just wanna fly??
I have the kakute f4 v2 fc
Betaflight 3.5
Boy, I've been there. First thing is check the lights on the RSXR. If they're lighting up when you plug in then it's likely the signal wire, no lights means it ground or power (or the receiver is toast). Sometimes it's just the harness on the Rxsr has come loose.

Before you tear it open again I'd be tempted to go through the settings one more time and make sure you haven't missed anything. Are your ports setup correctly (sbus on the correct port) then there's the dropdown in the settings tab where you have to choose SBUS again and Frsky. You could be on the wrong model in the QX7 as well. Sometimes it's the little stuff that gets you :)

Come back if this doesn't solve it, we'll get you flying one way or another
Do you have pics of your quad with the top plate off? Post em and a snapshot of BetaFlight screens. Why did you have to change motor order in CLI? Do the motors test out fine in BLHeli? Also, when you say it worked really well, does that mean you were already flying it or were just able to get the motors to arm?
Hello everybody I just got my diatone r369 in today and for the life of me I cannot get my fsi6x inputs to show up in betaflight I’m using a fs a8s receiver and it bond but can’t get quad to arm or anything please help
Hello everybody I just got my diatone r369 in today and for the life of me I cannot get my fsi6x inputs to show up in betaflight I’m using a fs a8s receiver and it bond but can’t get quad to arm or anything please help
There is really only 3 things to check, wiring, which exact port it is wired to is configured in the Ports tab, and the Receiver Provider and Receiver Protocol set correctly in the Configuration tab.

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