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Quad Video Issues


Nov 27, 2018
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So I went to my first race today and my video was absolutely terrible. It was virtually unflyable, which is weird, because I never have any issues with video when I am flying at home by myself. I tested out my quad when I got home and video was fine. So the video issues are definitely a result of flying with 5 other people. The issue is definitely coming from the vtx or antenna, as I had perfect video in my goggles when watching other people flying.

VTX - TBS Unify Pro HV Race - 25mw
Antenna - Lumenier axii stubby RHCP

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you ask anyone else at the race if they had any issues? could be due to interference.

Another thing to check is that your on the exact right channel, as i know the bands overlap with each other a bit, so you could be on 5805MHz on your receiver and 5800MHz on your vtx for example.

Also, when i go out flying with other people, we found our receivers channel names don't match the same frequencies, so if someone says go on F3 for example his F3 is different to mine for some reason, so it could be interfering.

Me and my friends get interference issues with each other often so hopefully these tips help.
Hey Kian2552,

I did ask people and no-one seemed to be having any issues. Also I knew that my channel that my vtx was outputting on was on the same frequency as my google receiver.

Something to note: I was in a heat with one other person and my video was average, but still worse than usual. Then I got moved into a different heat with five other people and my video was unbearable.

Thanks for the reply.
Ah okay, were you all operating at the same power output? Also, what antennas are you using?

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