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What drone/ pack should I get and where should I get it?


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Jul 25, 2018
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Hey everyone! I want to get into FPV Drone racing. I want an RTF pack that comes with everything including the camera and goggles. And everything is connected so that I don’t need to build anything or connect anything. I know I am lazy. I have other kits to build and have built FPV Quads and stuff. I just want an RTF Drone so that i don’t need to do any work.
What you are asking for I am not sure exists. There is so much available and much of it is a very tough choice and very slanted towards personal taste. There will always be some amount of work, even with an RTF, there is usually some config work to do in Betaflight unless you are going to live with stick arming/disarming, possibly improper endpoint values, and the possible problems that can come with that kind of thing. Also there is no "decent" RTF that comes with goggles, but there is a few starters that do. Even tho I have a few of those starter kits, and I still use the displays out of the box goggles that came with them, I just can't recommend it because in hindsight it was a waste of money. I started with Rise Vusion 250 and House Racer and they have an RTF kit that is truly RTF, but for the money it wasn't a "smart" move but I didn't know any better back then. Eventually I decided to get something "good" because it really does make a big difference. This can be daunting enough without having to deal with cut rate equipment, so I got got an Frsky Taranis and a set of Fatsharks, since then I just keep adding quads. I started with 3 Eachine Wizard X220 models and still fly them today. Then I got an Armattan Rooster, then an Emax BabyHawk-Race, then a Diatone GT-M3, then a couple of TBS Oblivions, and I have the parts for 4 more 5 inch quads and 1 more 2 inch. I won't even start on the Tiny Whoops and BWhoops I have now.

Even with an RTF that was truly RTF, in the beginning you will crash... a lot, so soldering and spare parts will derail you soon enough if your not prepared for it. FPV, racing or freestyle, will keep you busy in many ways. The only thing that fits close to your ask, that is a good rig, is the TBS Oblivion RTF and it doesn't have goggles, only a display on the remote, I would want goggles too, flying without is just a lot harder to do and the immersion of the goggles really helped when I first started. I can fly a bit now off a display but in the beginning it is much harder to do. The oblivion isn't cheap, but it is sturdy, so in the very short run it would save you money.

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